UNE is a 100% smoke and tobacco-free campus

The University is dedicated to promoting a healthy environment for 所有的学生, 员工, 和游客. The use of any tobacco or smoked products, 包括电子烟, is prohibited anywhere on campus, including personal vehicles parked on UNE property.

UNE is committed to providing assistance to 所有的学生, 教师, and staff who want to quit using tobacco. Cessation information and programs are listed on this page and UNE will co-sponsor programs with campus groups.


教师 and 专业人员 who violate the policy are subject to a $75 fine and progressive disciplinary procedures in accordance with the UNE’s Human Resource policies. Supervisors will be notified of violations and will assist in the discipline process. Supervisors are expected to remind individuals of the policy and seek cooperation with compliance.

学生 who violate the policy are subject to a $75 fine and disciplinary action through the Office of Student Conduct.

访问ors who violate the policy will be informed that University is a tobacco and smoke-free campus. 访问ors who continue to violate the policy following a warning will be escorted off-campus.


The success of this policy depends on the thoughtfulness, 考虑, and cooperation of the entire UNE Community. It is the responsibility of all members of the University Community to comply with this policy.

教师, 专业人员, and students who see individuals smoking, using tobacco or e-cigarettes on university grounds are asked to inform these individuals politely that university policy prohibits such behavior anywhere on university property. This can be done verbally through conversation, or by handing the individual one of the policy reminder cards.

Reminder cards are available at the following locations:

  • Biddeford Campus: 学生健康中心, Housing and Residential/Commuter Life staff, 人力资源办公室, and the Campus Center 信息rmation Desk
  • Portland Campus: 学生健康中心, 学生事务处, 人力资源厅, 和芬利娱乐中心

Individuals who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy can submit the area and type of violation to enforcement staff using the smoke and tobacco-free reporting form. Individuals should not contact the University Safety and Security Department to report a violation of the policy.



Why have a “smoke-free/tobacco-free” campus environment?

Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a Class A carcinogen. Its detrimental effects on health are well established and include triggering asthma attacks, 导致肺癌, and causing cardiovascular and other lung diseases. Attempts to eradicate exposure to secondhand smoke through limiting smoking to enclosed spaces or outside entrance areas and sidewalks is ineffective because smoke can easily travel through open doors, through heating and air circulation vents, people must walk on sidewalks through the smoke of others, and smoke easily travels outside any established boundaries or designated areas. Additionally, chewing tobacco and snuff are associated with oral cancers. (CDC Source for 烟草对健康的影响)

Why should the University of New England Community be concerned about smoking?

UNE has a responsibility to its students and 员工 to provide a healthful environment. 研究 findings show that tobacco use in general, including smoking and breathing secondhand smoke, constitute a significant health hazard. In addition to causing direct health hazards, smoking contributes to college costs in other ways, including potential fire damage, 清洁ing and maintenance costs, and costs associated with absenteeism, 卫生保健, 还有医疗保险. For several years, UNE has provided a 健康 Program for its 员工 and students. Providing a smoke-free/tobacco-free campus is another example of UNE’s commitment to student, 游客, 员工健康. (来源 健康 Effects of Secondhand Smoke)

What role does UNE in addressing this public health concern?

The administration has a responsibility to provide a healthy environment for every one of its students and 员工. By eliminating smoking on campus, 所有的学生, 教师, and staff will be protected from secondhand smoke, 一种已知的致癌物. A smoking ban does not take away individuals’ rights to smoke, rather it eliminates smokers’ risks of harming others. UNE投资, not only in academic achievement but also in developing life skills that will promote individual and civic wellness. 大学 and universities prepare students to cope with the reality of living situations. One emerging reality is that fewer and fewer spaces permit smoking and tobacco use. 越来越多, 这次改革, 餐厅, 公共建筑, 购物中心, 医疗保健, and transportation facilities are 100% smoke-free. There are some employers that will not hire smokers. (注:来源为 烟草对健康的影响)

Why is UNE taking away my right to smoke or use tobacco?

UNE is not taking away your right to smoke or use tobacco. UNE is not requiring you to quit smoking or using tobacco. You may continue with your choice to smoke or use tobacco but not on UNE property. 有了这个政策, UNE has the opportunity to effectively educate and promote our campus community’s commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

What does “FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy product” mean?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a variety of smoking cessation products. These include prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products such as skin 补丁es, 含片, 和口香糖. Smoking cessation products are regulated through FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and 研究, which ensures that the products are effective and that their benefits outweigh any known associated risks.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three (3) forms of OTC tobacco cessation nicotine replacement therapy:

  • 补丁
  • 口香糖
  • 含片

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two (2) forms of OTC tobacco cessation nicotine replacement therapy:

  • Chantix (varenicline tartrate)
  • 耐烟盼(buproprion) 

Both are available in tablet form on a prescription-only basis. 

For more information approved nicotine replacement products, 访问FDA网站.

Will there be cessation programs available for students, 教师 and 专业人员?

是的. A study completed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Management of Nicotine Addiction notes that 70% of current smokers want to quit smoking. 考虑到这一点, UNE is committed to providing assistance to 所有的学生, 教师, and 专业人员 who want to quit using tobacco. Cessation information and programs will be listed on the UNE website and UNE will co-sponsor programs with campus groups. The 学生健康中心 has professionals trained as smoking cessation specialists available for students. Through 人力资源办公室, information and programs are available for those in need of assistance.

What will happen if a person or group is discovered smoking?

The process of achieving a smoke-free/tobacco-free environment takes time and patience. UNE believes that self-enforcing will become part of the norm and behavior will be similar to seat belt laws. 学生, 教师, 专业人员, 承包商, 和游客 will come to recognize the value of this policy and will choose to comply with the policy. UNE encourages all individuals, both smokers and non-smokers alike, to work together cooperatively in the implementation of the Board of Trustees policy.

The success of UNE’s smoke-free/tobacco-free environment policy relies on the 考虑 and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers, so please pitch in and help keep our University sites remain beautiful, 清洁, 每个人都很健康.